Secret Admirer Gift Basket

$ 95.00

Love, like a gentle breeze, whispers through life with shared laughter and tender confidences, especially on Valentine's Day. It transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, inviting us to revel in selfless gestures, the dance of understanding, and the joy of being entwined with someone's essence. Love becomes a radiant beacon, turning Valentine's Day into a celebration of the heart's cherished symphony.

Within our carefully curated gift basket you will find an assortment of gifts perfect for Valentine's Day, an Anniversary, a Birthday, or just because. 

Includes: Heart Shaped Git Basket, Candle, Bath Bomb, Mug, Mini Hand Cream, Chocolate, and Tea. 

Items in box are subject to change due to availability - All items will be similar to the above list but scents and flavors may vary. 

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