Is Spring on its Way?

The groundhog did not lie this year and although we haven't seen much snow in Savannah, we've had our fair share of dreary, wet, cold + dark days. It made me happy to put little pots of sunshine outside of the shop in the form of daffodils. Their happy faces defy the steely sky. 

But this native New Yorker still is a wimp and catalogs with sunny blue skies and waving palm trees showcasing summer bikinis and warm sand seem far, far away. 

So, we're bringing spring inside with beautiful big ficus trees and the ever hip fiddle leaf fig. The succulents and terrarium plants are keeping cozy inside and we're building out our den (so to speak) with some fun, fresh and beautiful new products. When the sun finally does come out, you'll want to stop by the shop and "get your spring on". (photo courtesy of

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