Nonnie's southern sugar molasses cookies... step away from the Christmas cookie tin!! ... sigh.. it never fails, I bake, and I eat more than I give away. My mother had the same problem. She confessed to baking batches of these as a teenager and hiding them under her bed away from her sister.
Both my mother and her's before me, would mail batches of these "crack-cookies" perfectly round, in recycled Pringles cans to our college dorms. Oh, how we wanted to be generous with our new found freshman friends! But the chewy, melt in your mouth sugar and spice were not parted with that easily.
And yes, I have just returned from a Christmas party where several sweet older southern gentlemen friends of mine lingered around the tin, eating one after another, reminiscing how it tasted just like home. And I was happy and I resisted snagging the tin and bringing it greedily back with me. Besides, I still have over a dozen sitting snugly on my stove.. make that less that eleven.